Make fractions finally make sense with Frax

Help all students understand fractions
Frax Foundations covers the knowledge students need before starting fractions math, perfect for grades 3+
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Start your students with Reflex

Build a strong foundation in math fact fluency
Grades 3-12
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Gizmos are online simulations that excite curiosity and invite interaction. We’ve got over 400 Gizmos in our library covering topics and concepts in math and science for grades 3-12. Gizmos help students dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts.
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Grades 2-6
Full of games that students love, Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence. Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
When they use Reflex, kids love math.
Reflex helps all students succeed.
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Discover a better way to learn fractions

Introduction to Frax

Ready to get started with Frax?

Frax teacher user

Teachers and students who were able to participate in our beta user program raved about Frax and its ability to build a better understanding of fractions.

"Students [are] gaining a strong foundational understanding of fractions. They seem to be understanding fraction concepts … and can discuss them, which is new. I have not had students understand fractions this well, this early."

New Hampshire

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Make fractions finally make sense with Frax

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As they progress, students must make fast decisions and answer math facts to play games, ensuring that their math facts become automatic and fluent.

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Discover a better way to learn fractions

New Hampshire

Frax teacher user

Teachers and students who were able to participate in our beta user program raved about Frax and its ability to build a better understanding of fractions.

"Students [are] gaining a strong foundational understanding of fractions. They seem to be understanding fraction concepts … and can discuss them, which is new. I have not had students understand fractions this well, this early."

Assistant Superintendent, Merced City School District

Still not sure? 
Take a tour!

Grades 3-12

Grades 2-6


Full of games that students love, Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence. 

When they use Reflex, kids love math.

Get your free trial

Start your students with Reflex

Build a strong foundation in math fact fluency
Grades 2-6
When they use Reflex, kids love math.
Full of games that students love, Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence.
Reflex helps all students succeed.
Get your free 30-day trial
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Gizmos gives everyone something to visualize, manipulate, and explore. That's hundreds of opportunities where students don't just act like scientists and mathematicians. They are.

is Frax?

Frax uses the latest research-based instructional methods to create a better way to learn fractions. Students come to understand that fractions are numbers too. The fun challenges, personalized instruction, and motivating rewards help students build their skills and understanding – all while exploring the galaxy with fraction activities online! 

Gizmos gives everyone something to visualize, manipulate, and explore. That's hundreds of opportunities where students don't just act like scientists and mathematicians. They are.

Fractions knowledge in grade 5 uniquely predicts student success in Algebra and beyond. Yet assessments show chronic struggles with fractions from grade 3 onward. Frax's online learning format creates a better way to learn and practice fractions. 

Why fractions are important

Gizmos gives everyone something to visualize, manipulate, and explore. That's hundreds of opportunities where students don't just act like scientists and mathematicians. They are.

Game-based and story-driven, the adaptive system meets students where they are and unlocks new games, challenges and rewards for their efforts. Online fraction games can excited and inspire students. Frax stops the fractions struggle and puts students on a path to ongoing success in higher mathematics. 


Adaptive, Game-Based

Start your free trialTake a Tour of Frax

What is Frax?

Adaptive and game-based, Frax uses the latest research-based instructional methods to create a better way to learn fractions. Students come to understand that fractions are numbers too. The fun challenges, personalized instruction, and motivating rewards help students build their skills and understanding – all while exploring the galaxy with fractions! 

Why fractions are important

Fractions knowledge in grade 5 uniquely predicts student success in Algebra and beyond. Yet assessments show chronic struggles with fractions from grade 3 onward. Frax's learning format to create a better way to learn fractions. 

Adaptive, Game-Based

Game-based and story-driven, the adaptive system meets students where they are and unlocks new games, challenges and rewards for their efforts. Frax stops the fractions struggle and puts students on a path to ongoing success in higher mathematics. 


Start your free 30-day Reflex trial
© ExploreLearning. All rights reserved.

ExploreLearning® is a Charlottesville, VA based company that develops online solutions to improve student learning in math and science.


© 2019 ExploreLearning. All rights reserved. Gizmo, Gizmos, Reflex, and Science4Us are registered trademarks of ExploreLearning.


110 Avon Street,
Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA






© ExploreLearning. All rights reserved. Gizmo, Gizmos, Reflex, and Science4Us are registered trademarks of ExploreLearning.

To maximize effectiveness and classroom instructional time, we recommend using both Reflex and Frax during a school year. 

  • Begin students in Reflex to start building math fact fluency before using those skills in Frax for their fractions instruction 
  • Your students will return to Reflex after finishing Frax to complete progression
  • Your students will use both Reflex and Frax, as appropriate, for year-end refreshers and review



See what other teachers loved about Frax!

Free trial access includes the first 5 missions of Frax Foundations for a teacher and their students 

ExploreLearning was founded in 1999 by educators looking for new ways to inspire students and help them succeed. We make innovative math and science online solutions that are fun to use and really work. 
Gizmos®️, Reflex®️, Frax®️ and Science4Us®️ are used in classrooms in every state and over 50 countries worldwide. 

About ExploreLearning


Free trials are currently unavailable for homeschoolers but may be an option as we continue to expand the Frax universe

Free trials are currently unavailable for homeschoolers 

School is out, summer has started! 
Want to start your free trial next school year?

We understand your school year may be over or you're just not ready to start your fractions journey with the crew of the F.F.S. Sable! Sign up and we will contact you later to begin your free 30-day trial of Frax.